onsdag 9 maj 2012

Quora Employee Answers ?Why I Declined An Offer To Work At Instagram? On Quora

Here's a heart-warming tale of why you can't second-guess yourself. Robert Cezar Matei�had the chance to work for Instagram long-before it was acquired by Facebook for $1 billion, but followed his passion for knowledge and�became the growth hacker�for question & answer site�Quora instead.

This is his answer on Quora (fittingly) for why he declined Instagram, and why he's still smiling. "You make a gut call, then you walk into the future with serenity."

Question - Did anyone decline an offer to work at Instagram?

Answer -�Robert Cezar Matei: "Yeah, I had an offer to be the second engineering hire.

Kevin�and Mike had grown the team really slowly for their entire history: they'd hired only one engineer,�Shayne, until just a few months prior to the acquisition, and they'd only made one other offer before me. Some people didn't take them seriously as a business - it was "just an app", and apps are made by hobbyists.

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