fredag 13 maj 2011

Justin Bieber Egg Tosser Arrested

17-year-old Australian teen appeared in court on Thursday after allegedly breaking in to Sydney's Acer Arena and egging the pop star.By Gil Kaufman

Justin Bieber

Photo: Christopher Polk/ Getty Images

When are people going to learn that you just can't get away with dissing Justin Bieber? You can't criticize him, date him or look sideways at the "Baby" singer without the Beliebers coming down on you like a ton of sparkly, text-mad bricks.
So it should come as no surprise that the culprit in a recent Bieber bashing Down Under was swiftly brought to justice for his egg raid on the pop star. According to The Associated Press, Australian officials have charged a 17-year-old with breaking into Bieber's concert at Sydney's Acer Arena on Friday and tossing eggs at the singer. Video of the incident showed several raw eggs hitting the stage and just missing Bieber and his backup singers. Bieber and his crew kept dancing amid the attack, but the Melbourne Herald Sun reported that officials from the arena complained about the incident to police after catching wind of the egging on a social networking site.
The teen was arrested at his home in Bondi Junction, and police seized a cell phone and other items while taking him into custody.
The unnamed youth made an appearance in Sydney Children's Court on Thursday and was charged with breaking and entering, trespassing, and malicious damage. He was released on bail and is scheduled to enter a plea next month. Police say the teen broke into the arena through the roof.
Bieber didn't react to the ovum assault, but he did take time after one of his recent shows to meet up with Australian teen Casey Heynes, who became famous for a viral video in which he stood up to a bully. He invited Heynes to come out on stage at a show in Melbourne and tell the crowd "Never say never" after meeting with him privately backstage.

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