Spears, who turned 29 on Thursday, jumped on her Twitter to address those involved. "Star Magazine, Radar Online, Jason Alexander and the rest of you liars, yawl can kiss my lily white southern Louisiana ass!" she twittered on Dec. 2. "Ok, off on a romantic weekend with Jason for my birthday. xoxo."
But, she isn't the only one appalled by the story and the leaked audio which various outlets claimed was of Spears calling ex-husband Alexander to talk about Trawick beating her up. US Weekly reports that Spears' reps called the stories by Star and Radar Online "laughable" and "utterly false."
However, Spears' manager Larry Rudolph, who spoke out against audio recordings yesterday, found nothing funny about the situation.
"The lawyers are drawing up the legal papers right now; there will 100 percent be a lawsuit," he told US. "We are suing....It's amazing that Star continues to try to defend their story by putting out more and more pieces of a fraudulent recording. Everyone knows it is not her. The more they put out, the more ridiculous they look."
Are you surprised to learn that Britney Spears will be suing Star magazine? Chime in below!
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